Eu tenho feito doces todas as Quartas-feiras e os brigadeiros e beijinhos foram uns dos doces favoritos do dia. Os dois docinhos juntos ficaram lindos e super saborosos...:)!!! Esse doce faz o dia ser ainda mais maravilhoso!!! Delicie-se!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
I have been making desserts every Wednesdays and Chocolate and Coconut balls were one of the most favorites sweets of the day. The sweets were beautiful together and so delicious...:)!!! These sweets make the day even better!!! Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2009
Tortinha de maça (Apple pie)
Eu aprendi a fazer tortinha de maça na França. O nome em francês é "tarte au pomme" e essa é uma das minhas tortinhas prediletas. Quando comi pela primeira vez essa tortinha passei a acreditar que os franceses realmente entendem muito de doces...:)!!! Delicie-se!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
I learned how to make apple pie in France. The apple pie is called "tarte au pomme" in France and it is one of my favorites pies. When I ate the apple pie in France, I realized that the french people really know a lot about sweets...:)!!! Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
I learned how to make apple pie in France. The apple pie is called "tarte au pomme" in France and it is one of my favorites pies. When I ate the apple pie in France, I realized that the french people really know a lot about sweets...:)!!! Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Bolachas de chocolate (Chocolate cookies)
O Natal tá chegando e tá um frio enorme por aqui nos USA, então para aquecer nada melhor do que chocolate, ou melhor bolachas de chocolate com chá ou café no finzinho da tarde...hum...dá água na boca...rsrs!!! Eu fiz essas bolachas de chocolate e tomei com chá no finzinho da tarde...dia inesquecível...:)!!! Delicie-se!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
The Christmas is coming and it is so cold over here that to get warm the best way is have some chocolate, I mean chocolate cookies with tea or coffee in the evening...hum...yummy...rsrs!!! I made chocolate cookies and I had it with tea in the evening...such a wonderful day...:)!!! Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
The Christmas is coming and it is so cold over here that to get warm the best way is have some chocolate, I mean chocolate cookies with tea or coffee in the evening...hum...yummy...rsrs!!! I made chocolate cookies and I had it with tea in the evening...such a wonderful day...:)!!! Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Bolachinhas de caramelo (Caramel cookies)
Eu fiz um surpresa para você...delicada como pequenas florzinhas e deliciosas como um super momento de alegria...Bolachinhas de caramelo...:)!!! Eu fiz essas bolachinhas de sobremesa para amigos e eles amaram, então eu embrulhei algumas para meus amigos levarem para casa também...hum...delícia...:)!!! Delicie-se!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
I have a surprise for is delicate as a flower and delicious as a moment of is Caramel Cookies...:)!!! I made these special cookies as a dessert for friends and they loved, so I packed some of them for my friends have it later in their houses...hum...yummy...:)!!! Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
I have a surprise for is delicate as a flower and delicious as a moment of is Caramel Cookies...:)!!! I made these special cookies as a dessert for friends and they loved, so I packed some of them for my friends have it later in their houses...hum...yummy...:)!!! Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Como algo tão pequenininho pode ser tão delicioso...:)!!!
Agora eu sei que a tal frase "as pequenas coisas da vida nos fazem feliz"...é verdade...rsrs!!!
(These small caramel cookies are so delicious...:)!!!
The phrase "the small things are make us happy" is so true...rsrs!!!)
Eu fiz pacotes das bolachinhas para meus amigos levarem para casa
(I packed cookies for my friends)
UAU...o pacote de bolachinhas ficou grande...rsrs!!!
(UAU...the pack came out huge...rsrs!!!)
Agora eu sei que a tal frase "as pequenas coisas da vida nos fazem feliz"...é verdade...rsrs!!!
(These small caramel cookies are so delicious...:)!!!
The phrase "the small things are make us happy" is so true...rsrs!!!)
Eu fiz pacotes das bolachinhas para meus amigos levarem para casa
(I packed cookies for my friends)
UAU...o pacote de bolachinhas ficou grande...rsrs!!!
(UAU...the pack came out huge...rsrs!!!)
Mufins de framboesa (Rasberry Muffins)
Muffins são pequenos bolinhos servidos indiviadualmente. Eles são lindos e deliciosos. Eu decidi fazer Muffins de framboesa e adorei a experiê certeza ainda vou fazer muuuiiitoo Muffins nessa vida...:)!!! Dê uma olhada nas fotos abaixo e delicie-se!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
Muffins are small beautiful and delicious cakes. I decided to make Rasberry Muffins and I loved to bake it...I am pretty sure that I will make many many Muffins in my whole life...:)!!! Look at the pictures below and enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
Muffins are small beautiful and delicious cakes. I decided to make Rasberry Muffins and I loved to bake it...I am pretty sure that I will make many many Muffins in my whole life...:)!!! Look at the pictures below and enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2009
Mini Brownies (Little Brownies)
Eu tenho feito comida gourmet toda quarta. A super novidade é que eles estão adorando e pedindo mais comida gourmet durante a semana. Toda comida gourmet vem acompanhada de um doce surpresa e essa semana eu fiz mini brownies e decidi colocar aqui no blog para desejar à você um dia gourmet também...:)!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
I have been cooking gourmet food every Wednesday. The super news is that they have been enjoying a lot the gourmet food and asking for more than once a week the meal. Every food comes with a sweet surprise and this week I made "little brownies" and I decided to post it here to wish you a gourmet day too...:)!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
I have been cooking gourmet food every Wednesday. The super news is that they have been enjoying a lot the gourmet food and asking for more than once a week the meal. Every food comes with a sweet surprise and this week I made "little brownies" and I decided to post it here to wish you a gourmet day too...:)!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
(Little brownies with dark chocolate and strawberries)
quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2009
Doce francês (French sweet)
Ontem foi um dia importante para mim porque foi a apresentação do "Gourmet Wednesdays"!!! Sim, eu vou fazer comida saudável com sabor "gourmet". Toda quarta-feira meus clientes vão comer um almoço "gourmet" acompanhado de salada...e a super novidade é que a comida é orgânica e que eles vão receber junto com a refeição um doce surpresa toda quarta também!!! Dê uma olhada abaixo nas fotos do meu doce francês ("madeleines de baunilha com cerejas sabor laranja") e tenha um dia "gourmet" também!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
Yesterday I had a important day because it was a "Gourmet Wednesdays" presentation!!! Yes, I am going to start a bussiness about eating healthy with a gourmet flavor. Every Wednesday my clients are going to have a delicious gourmet lunch with a side salad...and the good news is that the food is organic and that they will get a sweet surprise each meal too!!! Take a look below of my french sweet ("vanilla madeleines with crawberries orange flavor") and have a gourmet day too!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
Yesterday I had a important day because it was a "Gourmet Wednesdays" presentation!!! Yes, I am going to start a bussiness about eating healthy with a gourmet flavor. Every Wednesday my clients are going to have a delicious gourmet lunch with a side salad...and the good news is that the food is organic and that they will get a sweet surprise each meal too!!! Take a look below of my french sweet ("vanilla madeleines with crawberries orange flavor") and have a gourmet day too!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
domingo, 25 de outubro de 2009
Bolachas paz e amor (Peace and love cookies)
Cookie arte tem sido um algo que adoro fazer nos últimos tempos. Eu posso criar o meu designer em cima das minhas bolachas e isso faz as bolochas serem ainda mais especiais!!! Para a minha família, eu decidi fazer bolachas paz e amor porque essa é a energia da minha casa...meu marido maravilhoso e meu dog querido são os responsáveis por me fazer feliz cada segundinho da minha vida...:)!!!
Veja abaixo as fotos das bolachas e tenha um dia de paz e amor também...delicie-se!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
Cookie art is something that I have been enjoying a lot at this moment. I can create my own designer on the top of my cookies and it makes my cookies even more unique and special!!!
For my family, I decided to make peace and love cookies because that it is the energy that we have in our wonderful husband and my lovely dog are the ones that makes me happy every each moment...:)!!!
Take a look at the cookies below and have a peace and love day too...enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Veja abaixo as fotos das bolachas e tenha um dia de paz e amor também...delicie-se!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
Cookie art is something that I have been enjoying a lot at this moment. I can create my own designer on the top of my cookies and it makes my cookies even more unique and special!!!
For my family, I decided to make peace and love cookies because that it is the energy that we have in our wonderful husband and my lovely dog are the ones that makes me happy every each moment...:)!!!
Take a look at the cookies below and have a peace and love day too...enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
sábado, 17 de outubro de 2009
Dia do Amendoim (Nuts day)
"Atenção...Amendoins estão chegando com as melhores notícias do dia!!! Faça sua mala, não esqueça de pegar todas as suas contas e vamos nessa...a super notícia é que nessa viagem eles vão cuidar de todas as suas contas...suas contas são as contas deles...UAU...Eu tô dentro dessa...rsrs!!!
Sim, estou falando do "" (uma empresa que faz a vida mais fácil porque eles organizam on-line todas as suas contas e você não fica mais no meio daquela papelada toda), é a empresa aonde meu marido trabalha e hoje é dia de apresentar um novo projeto e todo projeto tem um nome...hoje se chama Amendoim...por isso, fiz cupcakes de amendoim com dark chocolate...DELÍCIA!!!
Tenha um super amendoim dia!!!
Chef Mili
"Get out of the way...Nuts are coming with great news!!! Prepare your luggage, don't forget your bills and let's go...the good news is that in this trip take care of your bills...your bills are their bills...WOW...I am in...rsrs!!!"
Yes, - a company that makes life easier because they organize all your bills on-line so you are not surrounded by papers anymore - has release tonight... that means that there are new features coming. Every release has a name...tonight is, I made nuts cupcakes with dark chocolate...YUMMY!!!
Have a sweet nuts day!!!
Chef Mili
Sim, estou falando do "" (uma empresa que faz a vida mais fácil porque eles organizam on-line todas as suas contas e você não fica mais no meio daquela papelada toda), é a empresa aonde meu marido trabalha e hoje é dia de apresentar um novo projeto e todo projeto tem um nome...hoje se chama Amendoim...por isso, fiz cupcakes de amendoim com dark chocolate...DELÍCIA!!!
Tenha um super amendoim dia!!!
Chef Mili
"Get out of the way...Nuts are coming with great news!!! Prepare your luggage, don't forget your bills and let's go...the good news is that in this trip take care of your bills...your bills are their bills...WOW...I am in...rsrs!!!"
Yes, - a company that makes life easier because they organize all your bills on-line so you are not surrounded by papers anymore - has release tonight... that means that there are new features coming. Every release has a name...tonight is, I made nuts cupcakes with dark chocolate...YUMMY!!!
Have a sweet nuts day!!!
Chef Mili
quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2009
Surpresa para o Estevão (Surprise for Estevão)
Eu decidi fazer uma surpresa para o meu sobrinho Estevão porque o aniversário dele está chegando. Eu fiz bolachas de urso com corações de chocolate porque o Estevão é uma pessoa maravilhosa. Para mim ele tem a força de um urso para ir atrás de todos os sonhos dele e uma coração enorme de chocolate que faz todo mundo se encantar por ele!!! Parabéns meu super sobrinho Estevão!!!
Tenha um super doce dia!!!
Tia Chef Mili
I decided to make a surprise for my nephew Estevão because his birthday is coming next month. I made bears cookies with chocolate hearts for him because he is such a wonderful person. For me he has the power of the bear to follow all his dreams and a big chocolate heart that keeps everybody so in love of him!!! Congratulations my super nephew Estevão!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Aunt Chef Mili
Tenha um super doce dia!!!
Tia Chef Mili
I decided to make a surprise for my nephew Estevão because his birthday is coming next month. I made bears cookies with chocolate hearts for him because he is such a wonderful person. For me he has the power of the bear to follow all his dreams and a big chocolate heart that keeps everybody so in love of him!!! Congratulations my super nephew Estevão!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Aunt Chef Mili
quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2009
Mousse de Chocolate (Chocolate Mousse)
Eu fiz um almoço para o meu marido e meus amigos Carla e Charlie. Servi pasta e de sobremesa o clássico mousse de chocolate...que dia maravilhoso!!! Claro que o meu mousse de chocolate eu fiz com dark chocolate 55% e eu criei uma simples decoração em cada mousse...dê uma olhada nas fotos abaixo e tenha um momento de alegria como nós tivemos...Delicie-se!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
I prepared a lunch for my husband and my friends Carla and Charlie. We had a italian lunch and for dessert a classic chocolate mousse...such a wonderful day!!! Of course that my chocolate mousse I made with dark chocolate 55% and I created a simple decoration on the top of it...look at the pictures below and have a bliss as we had this day...Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
I prepared a lunch for my husband and my friends Carla and Charlie. We had a italian lunch and for dessert a classic chocolate mousse...such a wonderful day!!! Of course that my chocolate mousse I made with dark chocolate 55% and I created a simple decoration on the top of it...look at the pictures below and have a bliss as we had this day...Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2009
Chocolate Lênotre (Chocolate Lênotre)
SIM...EU FIZ UM CURSO DE CHOCOLATE NO LÊNOTRE!!! Lênotre é uma escola famosa de culinária em Paris e eu fiz um curso de uma semana de chocolate lá...foi uma experiência inesquecível!!! Nós fizemos 20 tipos de chocolates: "le trois frères", "la noisettine", "le fontainebleau", "l'othelo", "la truffe", "les rochers d'antan", "la buchette", "le fondant fruit", "le clair obscur", "le spécial", "le pommeau", "le caramel cocktail", "le caramel", "la muscadine", "la liqueur", "le palais or", "le parlais cingalais", "le perlia", "le petit normand" e "le zebré". Dê uma olhada nas fotos abaixo e delicie-se!!!
Tenha um doce dia recheado de chocolates!!!
Chef Mili
YES...I MADE A CHOCOLATE COURSE IN LÊNOTRE!!! Lênotre is a famous culinary school in Paris and I had a week course in chocolate there...that was an experience unforgetable!!! We made 20 kinds of chocolates: "le trois frères", "la noisettine", "le fontainebleau", "l'othelo", "la truffe", "les rochers d'antan", "la buchette", "le fondant fruit", "le clair obscur", "le spécial", "le pommeau", "le caramel cocktail", "le caramel", "la muscadine", "la liqueur", "le palais or", "le parlais cingalais", "le perlia", "le petit normand" and "le zebré". Take a look at the pictures below and enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day with lots of chocolates!!!
Chef Mili
Tenha um doce dia recheado de chocolates!!!
Chef Mili
YES...I MADE A CHOCOLATE COURSE IN LÊNOTRE!!! Lênotre is a famous culinary school in Paris and I had a week course in chocolate there...that was an experience unforgetable!!! We made 20 kinds of chocolates: "le trois frères", "la noisettine", "le fontainebleau", "l'othelo", "la truffe", "les rochers d'antan", "la buchette", "le fondant fruit", "le clair obscur", "le spécial", "le pommeau", "le caramel cocktail", "le caramel", "la muscadine", "la liqueur", "le palais or", "le parlais cingalais", "le perlia", "le petit normand" and "le zebré". Take a look at the pictures below and enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day with lots of chocolates!!!
Chef Mili
domingo, 13 de setembro de 2009
Desenhos em chocolate (Cookie art)
Em um jantar super especial com meus amigos, eu fiz bolachas para o momento do café. As bolachas ficaram lindas porque eu criei desenhos de chocolates em cada uma delas. Os desenhos de chocolates são flores modernas e artísticas...dê uma olhada nas fotos abaixo!!! Meus amigos, Carla e Charles, amaram as bolachas, veja abaixo a expressão de alegria deles...:)...Delicie-se!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
I had a special dinner with great friends and I made a special cookie to go with coffee. These cookies are special because I made my own design on each cookie. I created a modern flower and came out really artistic...take a look below!!! My friends, Carla and Charles, loved can see their expression of happiness on the pictures below...:)...Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
I had a special dinner with great friends and I made a special cookie to go with coffee. These cookies are special because I made my own design on each cookie. I created a modern flower and came out really artistic...take a look below!!! My friends, Carla and Charles, loved can see their expression of happiness on the pictures below...:)...Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2009
Cupcakes na França (Cupcakes in France)
Antes de mudar para Paris, eu preparei uma Festa de Despedida para os meus amigos em Antibes. Antibes é uma linda cidadezinha no Sul da França - Provence. Eu morei em Antibes por 9 meses com a minha linda família: meu marido e meu cachorro chamado Brown. Eu fiz 35 cupcakes...UAU...Estavam deliciosos!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
Before moving to Paris, I prepared a Farewell Party for my friends in Antibes. Antibes is a beautiful small city in South of France - Provence. I lived there for 9 months with my lovely husband and my cute dog Brown. I made 35 cupcakes...WOW...That was so yummy!!! Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
Antes de mudar para Paris, eu preparei uma Festa de Despedida para os meus amigos em Antibes. Antibes é uma linda cidadezinha no Sul da França - Provence. Eu morei em Antibes por 9 meses com a minha linda família: meu marido e meu cachorro chamado Brown. Eu fiz 35 cupcakes...UAU...Estavam deliciosos!!!
Tenha um doce dia!!!
Chef Mili
Before moving to Paris, I prepared a Farewell Party for my friends in Antibes. Antibes is a beautiful small city in South of France - Provence. I lived there for 9 months with my lovely husband and my cute dog Brown. I made 35 cupcakes...WOW...That was so yummy!!! Enjoy it!!!
Have a sweet day!!!
Chef Mili
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